I get ideas from my doodles. It is better for me not to think in depth when I draw. Unexpected lines, vague shapes and errors lead me to what I really wanted to do. In other words, this can be considered intuition. In society we are required to behave as rationally and ordered like plywood or an artificial flower.
However, sometimes we naturally make mistakes, we are imperfect, uncertain and vague. Also, I believe these can recover our humanity from the demands of society. I want to reproduce those things in my work and express our existence to re-recognize.
Born in Kumamoto, Japan. Completed Master’s degree in Sculpture at Sojo University.
held many solo and group exhibitions in Japan and China. In 2018, she joined Artist in Residence program at Vermont Studio Center in the United States.
Her sculptures are so profound that they express a “point of view for life and death”. While it is not very realistic for young artist to express death, renowned art critic Hiroshi Minamishima states that “works that do not mention death are not sufficiently profound.”.